This page is designed to help you with anything that is related to PYP PE. There are some aspects that took some time to discover, but they may help you for your own PE lessons. Some of the resources may be out of date or I may change if I was teaching PYP again. However, this is how I started out. If there is anything else that requires clarification, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Planning the inquiry
This section will show you how to plan the inquiry with an example of a unit plan for you to follow.
Planning the unit
This section will show you an example of how I plan the PE unit, which focuses on outcomes per lesson.
Yearly plan
This section will show you an example of the units that I cover in the PYP programme.
Learner Profiles
This section will show you examples of how we made our learner profiles unique to our school and more applicable to our students.
This section will show you examples of the assessment rubrics I used for PE. You can also see the criterion that was assessed throughout the year.
This section will explore how the students have used portfolios in PE. Also see what my masters research says about portfolios in PE.