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Learner Profiles

This section will show you examples of how we made our learner profiles unique to our school and more applicable to our students. 

The Learner Profile attributes that are displayed around my school are very generic and I feel they are not usable by ALL students. Therefore, I felt it was applicable to create Learner Profile cards, that could be displayed in our PE learning areas, or could be carried around by the teacher.


I decided to use questions instead of definitions of each Learner Profile attribute, so that students can relate to the attribute better. Although, I understand the questions on each card can create limitations, but I believe these questions were the most appropriate for my students. I think other practitioners would use different questions, to what they understand the Learner Profile Attributes to be, or may use definitions or sporting examples to illustrate the attributes in their lesson. However this was as an idea that I implemented in 2013, and if I was still teaching PYP, I would probably personalise these on a yearly basis, with improved questions and updated photos of students in action.


It would be interesting to find out how other practioners have personalised the Learner Profiles in their classrooms.


thePEbuzz is an online portfolio which showcases what has been implemented in my PE classes. The idea is to share and connect with other physical educators, so we can become the best educators possible.



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