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This section will show you examples of the assessment rubrics I used for PE. You can also see the criterion that was assessed throughout the year.

When I first came to this school, they did not really have an asessment continuum. The previous teacher decided what was best for that unit and that grade level. Unfortunately, the PYP PE scope and sequence does not provide much guidance on assessment, unlike the MYP document, which provides rubrics for practitioners to follow.


So after my first year of trialing and making lost of mistakes, I worked with my PE department and created the document above, which helped us map out the assessment continuum for each unit and grade level, so there was gradual progression and different criteria to be assessed. We decided as a department that students would be assessed on two criteria per unit and it worked pretty well. We also tried to make one criterion specifc to the unit (ie. developing skills) and the other specific to their development as a student (ie. teamwork - similar to the ATL skills).


Each student was provided with a rubric sheet with a short reflection attached (see pic below). I would ask students to self assess themselves using the criteria. For the younger students, I would explain the crtieria in simpler terms. Initially, our grading system was 1-4, but then it got changed to 1-8 to follow the MYP system and give students an easier transition into the MYP. This was practiced across the whole of PYP in our school.


This document was created in 2014 and I haven't really taught PYP since then, however if I was to do this again, I would create a rubrics that was similar to the MYP PE assessment rubrics. I believe a lot of the above criterions would fall into the same critieria of MYP PE. Please note that when I created the above document, i couldn't really find any other examples of this, so it would be interesting to find out what other practitioners have done.


thePEbuzz is an online portfolio which showcases what has been implemented in my PE classes. The idea is to share and connect with other physical educators, so we can become the best educators possible.



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